iScotland = independent Scotland. It’s coming yet for aw that…. which is a neat segue into this video I found on YouTube of a French Army band playing La Marche des Soldats de Robert Bruce. You probably know it better as Scot’s Wha Hae. This is a quicker tempo.
Cette musique date de 1314.
A cette date Robert le Bruce, futur roi d’Ecosse, (Roibert a Briuis en écossais médiéval) défait les Anglais à la bataille de Bannockburn d’où cette marche. Plus tard il renouvellera l’alliance de son pays avec la France en 1429 au siège d’Orléans . Les volontaires écossais jouèrent cette marche lors de l’entrée de Jehanne d’Arc dans Orléans, et elle est restera le symbole de l’amitié franco-écossaise! . Cette marche et encore joué aujourd’hui par l’armée française.
So says a comment on YouTube underneath this video. Roughly translated as :
This music dates from 1314. At that date, Robert the Bruce, Scotland’s future king(Roibert a Briuis in old Scots) defeated the English at the battle of Bannockburn, this march’s beginning. Later in 1429 at the siege of Orleans he renewed his country’s alliance with France. The Scottish volunteers played this march at the entry of Joan of Arc into Orleans, and it continued on as the symbol for Franco-Scottish friendship! This march is still played today by the French Army.
There are quite a few recordings of the tune on YouTube. Here’s one from Bläserphilharmonie Rhein-Lahn.
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