Rishi sunak. Extremist Threats. Policy Exchange UK. Weegie Fifer

Are You an Extremist Threat?

#Extremist Threats to Britain

(First published in Scottish Independence Podcast Blog, May 17, 2024.)

In his speech this week, Rishi Sunak told the nation of the extremist threats facing Great Britain over the coming years. He was speaking at Policy ExchangeUK. (Full speech here).

Early in the speech there is a section where Sunak lists extremist threats to Britain.

  • authoritarian states like Russia, Iran, North Korea and China working together to undermine us and our values.
  • War has returned to Europe
  • War rages too in the middle east as Israel defends itself
  • in Africa conflicts are being fought in 18 different countries
  • Putin’s recklessness has taken us closer to a dangerous nuclear escalation than at any point since the Cuban Missile Crisis.”
  • Extremists are using global conflicts to set Briton against Briton
  • Scottish nationalists are even trying to tear our United Kingdom apart.
Stephen Flynn used his PMQs question to demand an apology. Spoiler: He didn’t get one. Sunak denied he’d said it.
Did Sunak call Scottish Nationalist extremists? Journalist Heather Dewar points out the dangers of conflating terror threats with Scottish independence
Extremist Threat.

BBC Scotland Debate Night panel was asked: Is it acceptable for Rishi Sunak to categorise Scottish Nationalist are extremists?

Lesley Riddoch asks Ed Mountain, Conservative MSP, if he thinks she is extremist threat?
What about Pete Wishart? Another extremist threat?
I’ll leave the final word to James O’Brien on LBC:
Extremist threats. Scottish Nationalists

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