Corona Diaries Pt3: Exercise & Haircuts

This is part 3 of the podcast series but week 4 of staying at home and socially isolating. Exercising is possible, quite nice really… we have a local park not far away and a local hospital with very extensive and lovely grounds.

Mind you after four weeks, I’m getting a bit bored with walking for an hour round the same streets every day. I’ve tried taking my camera with me which helps deal with the boredom…and usually means I don’t walk so far as time passes taking photos. But there are also online exercise videos…. and you can dance!

This week I decided I had to do something about my hair. It wasn’t very long but it had got too long for me. Thankfully I’ve a pari of proper haircutting scissors. And I’m actually quite pleased with the result. Looks OK so long as you don’t look too close, especially the back, but that’s not a problem when, apart from my husband, no-one is closer than two metres.

Not too bad I think!

First broadcast by IndyLive Radio on 12April2020

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